7 Relationship Tips for New Couples

New relationships open up a world of possibilities. There are so many new things to enjoy – the chemistry, the long conversations, the romantic gestures. At the same time, however, you may be plagued by uncertainty.

Every relationship takes some effort to evolve and this is especially true for brand new romance.

Being compatible and having a great time together will both give you a great start. You have the foundation in place, it’s now time to take the relationship to the next level.

Understand It’s Not Always Going to Be Fun

Needless to say, this is something we all know about relationships.

In the early days, however, imagining challenging times is nearly impossible.

Having a great time together makes both of you happy and excited about the future. Still, you have to think about those difficult moments that will eventually occur.

A relationship is tested for real when the going gets tough. The manner in which an issue is addressed is the real determinant of relationship longevity.

Take some time to think about the future. Can you see with that person going through an argument and emerging stronger on the other end? Will you take care of them when they’re sick, stressed out or powerless? How will you handle the common challenges that life throws your way? If you can’t answer these questions, you’ll find it difficult to go through every aspect of the relationship.

It definitely takes some getting used to and understanding each other’s communication styles to handle situations that are not fun. Being committed to emerging stronger on the other side, however, will definitely give you some advantage.

Leverage That Early Chemistry to Build an Amazing Sex Life

A good sex life is often the glue that holds couples together. While the relationship is still new, chemistry and amazing passion will happen naturally. In time, however, things will start calming down. Chances are that you’ll have sex less often or you’ll stop experimenting in bed due to familiarity with each other.

It’s a great idea to leverage the initial chemistry to establish an amazing, highly satisfactory sex life.

Get to know each other’s bodies, talk about fantasies, and play with sex toys. When you are ready to take things to the next level, you can order beginner friendly sex toys such as soft dildos online from websites like HotCherry. Get into kinks and fetishes if that’s your thing. Having no inhibitions right off the bat will establish some healthy sexuality that the two of you can continue enjoying through the years.

Establish Healthy Boundaries

Many people in a new relationship feel hesitant about enforcing boundaries. Healthy boundaries, however, are an absolute essential when it comes to the longevity of the relationship.

Too eager to fall in love and enjoy a future together, you may overlook some red flags, annoying habits and issues that clash with your personal understanding of relationship bliss.

If you leave such problems unaddressed, they will potentially grow bigger in the future.

Don’t be afraid of having such an open and honest conversation in the beginning. You’re not going to scare the right partner away by getting into boundaries. Rather, they’ll listen and they’ll share their own preferences. By having such a conversation, you wouldn’t be forced to make compromises that take away from your inner peace.

Don’t Bring the Past into Your New Relationship

We all carry our baggage around.

Bringing that into a new relationship is a recipe for disaster.

Your current partner is NOT your ex. As a result, they do not deserve judgment, criticism or a lack of trust. Opening yourself up after getting hurt can be difficult. If you don’t embrace the opportunity, however, you will keep the relationship at a shallow and superficial level.

Anyone who has been deeply and inherently hurt will need to process that experience before moving on to a new relationship.

Getting a romantic affair started with someone new without handling your baggage first is a recipe for disaster. Your behavior could keep you from taking things further, even if your new partner is just right for you.

If you start feeling that your past is emerging, have an open and honest conversation with your significant other. Talking through the details and coming up with a healthy coping strategy will keep you from making mistakes that will be potentially destructive.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Early on, you’ll be so besotted with each other that you’ll probably make your love known loud and clear.

Saying “I love you,” writing romantic poems and those little gestures of affection will warm your heart in the early days.

Understand one important thing, however. Actions speak louder than words and that’s what you need to become observant of.

Chances are that your partner will become less vocal about their love as the years go by. The same will probably apply to you.

Love, however, can be expressed in many non-verbal ways. Do they support you and stand by your side at times of weakness? Do they buy your favorite things to make you feel happy in the end of a busy work day? Do they know how to cheer you up and when to leave you alone?

These actions speak much louder than any love declamation. A person that knows you and is there for you should be appreciated, even if the two of you don’t shout about your love from the rooftops anymore.

Live in the Moment

While knowing how to address the hardships that will eventually emerge in the future is important, you should also learn to live in the moment.

Enjoy the good thing that you have right now. Being too preoccupied about a future issue will keep you from fully enjoying and experiencing the perfect situation you have right now.

Maybe the relationship will go downhill and you’ll split up in a couple of years. Maybe you will learn that you’re not meant to be together after five years of building a mutual future. That’s ok. We learn through the mistakes we make and that’s how we grow stronger.

You cannot predict how the relationship is going to turn out and what challenges you’ll need to overcome. All you can do is enjoy the here and now. Be present and be there for your partner. Laugh and be silly, even if you need to tackle a major problem in the coming week. You will never get those precious moments back and you’ll regret your inability to engage fully.

Appreciate Each Other Every Day

The more you learn about your partner, the deeper understanding you’ll gain of who they are as a person.

Eventually, you’ll feel that you know them just like you know yourself.

This is the moment when you can start taking your partner for granted. If this happens, you will run the risk of losing them due to the fact you’re no longer appreciative and putting in the effort.

Every human being needs appreciation, especially from the person they love the most.

Don’t stop being in awe of the amazingness hidden inside your significant other. Don’t think they’re always going to be by your side. Practice gratitude and humbleness every single day. The more your appreciation grows through the years, the stronger the bond between the two of you will become.