Ways for Sports Injury Prevention

Sports injuries are more painful emotionally than physically. Not being able to play and do physical activity hurt an athlete. There are certain ways of preventing sports injuries. While there are ways available about what to do if you slip and fall in a store, there are also some precautions to stay safe.

The most common sports that lead to injury are football, basketball, rugby, and cycling. There are also some other individual sports and sometimes training at the gym that cause injuries. Some common types of injuries are sprains and strains, knee, shoulder, ankle and other joint’s injury, muscle injury, fractures, tendon injuries, and other such serious problems.

Falling is part of all of the sports but injuries must be prevented. Here are some tips to follow in your fitness plan for preventing them.

Proper Sports Gear

There are specific sports kits including helmets, shoes, caps, eyewear, padding and mouth guards used to protect the body. Some other sports ger include pads for shoulders, neck, elbow, shin, knee, and chest also. Players should wear appropriate protective gear. It should be fit and fix to the players to save them from injuries if they fall. It is a must to use protective gear for risky sports activities.

Warm-up Exercise

Warm-up activities, stretches, and some simple exercises are good to prevent injuries. It refreshes the player and the body comes in the form to perform. This tip is good to be introduced to younger athletes as they are more at risk of injuries. There should be 5 to 15 minutes warm-up until you have a slight sweat. Warm-ups also reduce the stiffness and soreness of the muscles. At the end of the activity, give a relaxing time to your muscles to cool down.

Strengthen Muscles and Increase Flexibility

Stretching exercises improve the ability of the muscles to contract and perform. Make sure that stretching is not painful for the body. Muscles should be strong and the body should be flexible for better movements. It is only possible by exercising and taking protein-rich foods. There are so many conditioning and stretching exercises that you can ask your instructor and incorporate into your routine.

Play Safe and Take a Break if Required

The player should never place it at risk himself. There are rules in each sport for the safe play. Always follow the rules and do not try to be overconfident while playing. Also, take a rest whenever you feel tired while playing. Your health is more important than the match. Take time to rest for a while during practice and games to relax. It is a good practice to help prevent injuries.  

Stay Hydrated

Players should be drinking plenty of fluids and water to stay hydrated. Dehydration is the most common cause of falling and injury among sportsmen. If your urine is clear and unconcentrated, it shows that you are hydrated.

Drinks with caffeine increase dehydration, so, you should only consume the drinks that keep you hydrated. Take fluids before and during sports activities whenever you feel thirst. But do not drink too much to feel weight on your stomach.

As you are doing physical activities and there is sweating so you must be fulfilling the deficiency with sugar-based and electrolyte drinks.