4 Supplements To Help Support Your Overall Health

A sad reality is that your body will never acquire all the nutrients needed even with a well-planned diet. Why is it so? Soft gut lining, food allergies, damaged intestines, bacterial overgrowth, and age are the dominant factors that lead to poor absorption of nutrients. 

However, experts and renowned medics have proven that adding a couple of easy to take supplements to your daily food intake and doing maximum exercise will go a long way to having a healthy life. In this article, we have analyzed four supplements that will help support your overall health.

1. TS support dietary supplement to fight Tourette syndrome

This is a dietary supplement created specifically for kids between the age of 5 to 18. It helps children get back to normal life after suffering from Tourette syndromes such as hyperactive liver, spasms, convulsion, and tics.

Key features of TS support supplement

  • Improves brain function.
  • Relieves stress, frustration, and fatigue.
  • Helps in maintaining focus and concentration.
  • If you are not aware of where to get this supplement, you can consider visiting NatureKue. NatureKue offers an online shop where you can purchase any supplements you might need. In addition, it is a comprehensive and trusted authority for information on herbal remedies (IHR). NatureKue is responsible for clarifying herbal supplements, functional food, and the science behind their work.

2. Vitamin D for healthy bones

To get vitamin D the old-fashioned way, you have to stay in the sun for long hours. The trend has now reduced since some people’s work-life does not allow them to sunbathe. The only way to renew the hope of having vitamin D is to rejuvenate the body with vitamin D supplements.

Why do you need vitamin D supplements?

  • There is limited exposure to sunlight during the winter months.
  • Old age impairs intake of vitamin D due to thinning skin.
  • Darker pigmentation blocks sunlight absorption, a significant problem in people of color.
  • What are the functions of vitamin D in the body?
  • Reduces neuromuscular problems, mainly falling.
  • Essential for bone/skeletal development.
  • Prevents mood disorders.
  • Immune supports and corrects the hormonal imbalance.
  • How much vitamin D Supplement to take?
  1. Current guidelines recommend 600 international units (IU) a day for those below the age of 71.
  2. Experts recommend 800 to 1000 IU a day. Daily doses of 4000 IU are considered safe, but more can be toxic.

Tip: If you want to know whether you need a supplement, you have to do a blood test. If you have a concentration below 30 nanograms per milliliter, then you need supplements.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids for fighting inflammation

If you do not eat a lot of fatty fish, you may consider taking a supplement instead. There are hundreds of different omega-3 supplements, and all of them have various health benefits. Fish oil is sold in both natural and processed forms. The processing affects fatty acids, but this is essential because some forms are absorbed better than others. The forms include whole fish, fish oil, and processed fish oil.

Why you need Omega 3 supplements

  • Necessary for cardiovascular, immune, and musculoskeletal.
  • Regulates blood pressure and maintains body weight.
  • Supports positive mood.
  • Quantity of supplements you need

500 to 900 of omega 3 fatty acids for optimal levels. Three servings of oily fish like salmon, sardines, and menhaden per week is just good.

4. Probiotics for digestive support

Probiotics are essential for maintaining gut health. Probiotics bacteria line the digestive tract system and support the body’s ability to fight infection and absorb nutrients.

Why are probiotics important?

  • Supports immune function.
  • Regulates inflammation.
  • Helps in weight management.

It counteracts some harmful side effects of taking common medication like antibiotics.

When buying probiotics supplements, it is essential to look at the genus, species, and strains. Other strains enhance immune function. Others promote hormone balance. It is advisable to take probiotics with at least 50 billion colony-forming units (CFU) with multiple bacteria strains.


Supplements are not a perfect substitute for food, but they go hand in hand with food to make you acquire extra nutrients that you might have missed from other sources. Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and TS support are examples of vital supplements for a living. Supplement intake should be taken in a controlled manner. Asking for guidance from a doctor or a dietetic is necessary.