What To Think About Before Getting A Family Pet

Many of us have grown up with a beloved pet in our family homes, and our most precious childhood memories might revolve around a favorite dog or cat that played an important part of our lives. Getting a pet is something that many families today aspire to, but it does require a lot of thought beforehand. If you are considering getting a new addition to the family, read on for some important things you should consider first.

Buy or adopt?

While pedigree animals like specialist breeds of dogs were once more of a feature of niche animal performance shows (such as dog competitions) in recent years it has become increasingly popular to have a novelty breed as a personal pet. However, this growing trend has also led to a more unscrupulous industry of animal breeders who will often raise cats, dogs and other common creatures unsafe and unsanitary conditions, because of the high price they can command. Animals are bred over and over without any care given to them and are seen as profit margins rather than living beings. 

The increase in value around rare breeds also makes them a target for thieves, and many people have faced the heart-breaking experience of having a much-loved animal stolen from them. As a precaution you should try to spay or neuter your pet as they will be less appealing to thieves.

Instead of buying an animal, try to adopt instead. Most towns and cities will have animal shelters where pets that can no longer be cared for by their previous owners may have ended up, and these animals are just as worthy and loving as a puppy from a dog farm. Take a look at your local shelter, and you will find it hard not to fall in love!

Plan their care at home

Once you have decided on a pet to take home, the next step is thinking about the care they need. A healthy diet is essential, and you can find many pet stores in Phoenix that supply excellent, high quality food. You will also need regular veterinary care and attention, from any vaccines that might be needed, to emergency care in case of ill health or injury. Look around your local area and speak to other pet owners to find recommendations for a trusted vet that you can turn to.

As well as nutritional and medical care, any pet that you bring home will also become a part of the family, so you will need to think about how existing family members might relate to them. If you have other pets, it is a good idea to get advice beforehand on whether or not a new pet will fit in well with the current inhabitants. While it can depend very much on every animal’s individual personality, it is important to make sure that existing pets’ needs are not overlooked by the new addition.

If you have young children, then this is another important subject to think about. While families will often bring a pet home as a companion for the kids, it is helpful to choose a pet whose temperament will work well with your family’s own lifestyle.