Tech That Is Beneficial For Managing Your Investments

Technology has been around for quite a while, but it seems to change at an exponential rate. For those who are interested in investing, this can be great news. There are plenty of tools that are beneficial for managing your investments, and you don’t have to pay hefty fees or commissions to use them. Here are some technologies that will make managing your investments much easier:

Investing Apps

Investing apps are great to use for people who enjoy trading but don’t have the time or money to pay a broker. Trading stocks used to be only possible if you had enough capital, were able to make phone calls during open hours and could afford to pay commission fees for every transaction. Nowadays, many investing apps are out there that allow users with smaller budgets or less experience in finance to invest in liquid companies without commissions.


If you like to keep track of your investments and calculate your asset allocation, spreadsheets are for you. It can be a great way to stay organized with how much money is going into certain assets and the percentage they make up in your portfolio. You can also create a spreadsheet to see if it’s worth selling an investment at its current price even though you bought it years ago.

Social Media

It may seem like an odd choice, but social media can be beneficial for managing your investments. If you are someone who loves to research companies and their stocks before investing. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great ways to find out information about the market. For example, if you want to invest in a new IPO, some funds provide access or insider information that will allow members of these platforms early access. With this knowledge ahead of time, it’s possible to purchase shares at the lowest price. Keep in mind that there is risk involved with trading IPOs, so make sure you do lots of research beforehand.

Cloud Computing

Investors with a lot of investments may find that they need to keep track of their accounts. Cloud computing has made this process much more manageable. In the past, you would have to download each account’s login details and use different applications for every single one, which can be time-consuming and confusing.

However, cloud computing allows investors who want to manage multiple accounts in the same place to do so with no hassle. Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud are great options if you already have a favorite service provider. With these technologies available today, managing your investments is no longer difficult. Why? Because there are tools that cater to those looking to grow their money over time while minimizing costs associated with trading.

AI and Machine Learning

Suppose you are interested in managing your investments using technology. There are some great tools out there today that can be beneficial for deciding. Artificial intelligence (AI) allows computers to make human-like decisions, while machine learning uses sophisticated algorithms to help create decision strategies with no manual input from humans. These technologies will change the way investors manage their money, so look into what’s available before investing next time around.


Due to its connection with cryptocurrency, blockchain is often seen as an investment tool rather than a way to manage investments. However, this technology has made waves in the financial world, and it can be helpful for investors who want to make money off of their assets. This allows you to create smart contracts that will generate revenue when certain conditions are met. If you are looking into how they can grow your current portfolio over time while minimizing costs associated with trading, check out what’s possible through this new form of tech. The possibilities are endless, so don’t miss out on something unique because it isn’t related to investing.

Statutory Trust

Delaware Statutory Trust is a particular investment vehicle that has been around for almost 100 years. Initially, it was used to protect investors from legal issues related to their investments. But today, these trusts are beneficial because of the tax benefits they offer. If you invest in stocks and don’t make enough money throughout the year to be taxed at a high rate, this may be an option worth checking out. For you to set it up, there must be 12 or more individuals investing. Also, there are other specific requirements, so consult with your financial advisor before starting one of these funds.

Final Thoughts

The rise of technology over the past decade has made managing investments easier than ever before. Thus, allowing those looking for ways to grow their money over time to do so while minimizing costs.