HVAC Maintenance: What You Should Do

Your HVAC system is what regulates your home’s climate. Maintaining them properly is crucial if you want them to last as long as possible. The better you maintain them, the more efficient they’ll be as well. Here are a few things you should always do when you’re maintaining your HVAC system.

Replace Your Air Filters

Pretty much everyone knows they’ve got to replace their air filters. But, they might not realize why it’s so important. Clogged air filters don’t just lower your home’s air quality. They’ll also cause your HVAC system to wear out faster. That’s because a clogged air filter impedes airflow, making your system work harder.

Typically, you’ve got to replace them every 90 days. Some filters might need to be replaced even more often, though. Check their packaging to see what the manufacturer recommends. Then, replace them according to that schedule.

Lubricate Your Blowers

Blowers generate the airflow in your HVAC system. Over time, they’ll accumulate dust and debris. Accumulated dust tends to slow them down, decreasing system performance. One of the best things you can do for them is apply a little lubricant.

Lubricating them ensures they’ll rotate freely. And, it should prolong the overall system lifespan. If you notice they’re stuck, you might even want to consider replacing them. Broken blowers drastically cut your HVAC system’s efficiency. They’ll have to work much harder to achieve the same results.

Wipe Off Your Heat Exchangers

Good heat exchangers are also vital to your HVAC system. These transfer heat between your system and the air. And, they work in both directions. When you’re heating up the home, heat transfers from the system to the air. And, when you’re cooling it off, it transfers in the opposite direction. Usually, they’ll get covered in dust after they’ve been working for a while. This dust makes it a lot harder for them to do their jobs. So, you should dust them off from time to time. They’ll work a lot more efficiently that way.

Insulate Your Ventilation

Even your ventilation needs some attention from time to time. If there’s any dust in them, it’ll impact your home’s heating costs. The dust will absorb heat before it reaches the rest of your home. We’d suggest cleaning out the ventilation at least once a year. While you’re at it, you could also throw some insulation in there, too. Adding insulation to your vents will help improve your home’s efficiency as well.

Run a Diagnostic Test

HVAC diagnostic tools let you figure out what’s wrong with your system. A lot of professional technicians use them whenever they’re on a repair job. Just hook them up, and then run a diagnostic test. You’ll be able to see if there’s anything broken in your system by doing that.

Check on Your Condensers

Condensers convert gas into a liquid, removing heat in the process. Most of the time, your HVAC system will have a few of them. If they’re not working well, your cooling system might have some issues. Take a look at them to make sure they’re not cracked at all. Cracked condensers should be replaced whenever you find them. You can also take a look at the evaporators while you’re doing that. Evaporators are similar to condensers, but they work in the opposite direction. Maintaining both of them is crucial for your HVAC system.

Refill Your Refrigerant

Finally, see if your refrigerant needs to be refilled. From time to time, you’ve got to add more of it to your HVAC system. The refrigerants help to transfer heat out of the air, cooling it off. If there’s not enough of it, you won’t be able to cool your home. Usually, you’re supposed to refill it about once a year. Sometimes, you can go a little longer than that. But, keeping an adequate amount is vital. Otherwise, the system won’t work at all.

How to Maintain an HVAC System

Maintaining your HVAC system could lower your utility bills. Well-maintained systems get the job done without using nearly as much energy. We’d suggest taking a look at all their parts about once a quarter. That way, if there’s anything wrong, you’ll be able to fix things before they get worse.