How to Create a Spa Experience at Home

There’s nothing quite like enjoying luxury treatments at the spa. A spa is a place of relaxation. It soothes the senses. The spa also provides a restorative experience. While there are some people who can afford to visit the spa on a daily basis, most cannot. Thankfully, there are creative ways that you can enjoy the spa experience at home. Granted, you won’t have the luxury of a spa professional working on you. Yet, you can still experience the restorative elements within the comfort of your own home. Implement the following tips in order to get the spa experience at home.

Use Clean, Plush Materials

Whenever you visit the spa, you’re typically given a locker to place your valuables in. In exchange, you’re also given a pair of comfortable slippers and a plush robe. When you lay on the table for your massage or facial treatment, you’re typically enjoying white, luxurious towels for your treatments. All of these elements add to the full experience. Make it a point of investing in high-quality towels, comfortable robes, and heavenly slippers. It should feel like you’re walking on a cloud when you put your slippers on. These small touches can make a massive difference in the way you are able to relax.

Set the Mood with Relaxing Sounds

When it’s time to sit down and study, you need a specific playlist in order to help you focus. When it’s time to get your heart rate up and do a really intense cardio workout, it’s extremely helpful to have an amazing playlist that’s filled with high-energy music. When you’re preparing for a spa experience, it’s extremely beneficial to have a great playlist to set you in the mood for pure serenity. Whether you have a sound machine that plays the sounds of rain, the tropical rainforest, or the birds chirping, find creative ways to include sound into your experience. When you visit most spas, it’s pretty common to hear music that includes instruments such as the harp and the flute. Just by doing a simple search on a platform such as YouTube or Spotify, you’ll find countless playlists that include those types of tunes to help you set the mood.

Gather the Right Tools

There are so many tools to utilize when you’re preparing an at-home spa. If you’re preparing for a pedicure session, find a foot-soaking basin or a foot spa that comes with heat, massage modalities, and more. Pour some warm water along with Epsom salts in order to fully soak, massage and soothe the feet. If certain parts of the body are sore due to tight muscles, strenuous workouts or lack of proper care, a massage gun provides relief for muscles and more. It can even help to reduce inflammation and support lymphatic health. Upon visiting a spa, it’s clear that five-star treatments are the standard experience. Treat yourself well at home by investing in some of the sweet luxuries like a heated towel unit. After emerging from a steam shower or a tub soak, a heated towel will feel incredible to the touch.

Eliminate Distractions

Though it’s might seem enticing to bring your smartphone into your spa session, it’s a better idea to put it on the charger in another room. If you want to keep your phone nearby in the case of an emergency, that’s fine. However, try your best to avoid distractions at all costs. Don’t spend your relaxing moments with your head down as you scroll through apps. Instead, close your eyes and reflect. Put a physical book and read. Spend time with your thoughts. This is a time that should be focused on self-care and recharging. If your house is filled with noisy family members, lock yourself in the bathroom and place a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door. Even if it’s just for an hour, you deserve this uninterrupted time to connect with yourself.

Once you implement the following tips, it’s okay to add more tools and products to your arsenal. As you learn how your body responds to different products, essential oils, and massage tools, you can elevate and upgrade your spa experience. Before long, you’ll feel and see the benefits of a consistent self-care routine at home. Now when you go to the spa, it’ll feel like the cherry on top of a really good regimen you already maintain within your private time.