How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Your real self is an embodiment of a personality defined by what you take in and out.

To understand yourself better, your soul, mind, and feelings must be in synergy. You must connect the dots of who you are and your purpose in life. You have to listen to your inner self and compare it with your outer self to decode where you went amiss.

Become your better self when you practice these things listed below.

Unchain Yourself from Limiting Beliefs

Your belief system can be a tool to push you higher or limit your progress. Limiting beliefs hold you hostage and make it hard for you to realize who you really are.

A belief system that limits your ability to explore your strengths and take advantage of opportunities is not worth clinging to. Similarly, a belief system that makes you crawl towards the negatives of life instead of the positives doesn’t deserve to be part of your life.

As you meditate or do yoga, you can learn more about your belief system and let go of beliefs that don’t work in coordination with your intrinsic inner-self.

Live Like a Project in the Making

You can never overlearn or over-accomplish. If you know who you are and your life purpose, you have nothing to limit your achievements. Keep learning, trying, and establishing new beginnings.

Hit that gym to lose weight, and don’t forget to attend those seminars. Launch that project and do not delay starting that business. Try everything you are interested in, fail, and try again until you succeed. As you’re consistently told, failure is not the end but an opportunity to start again.

Keep Advancing Your Career

Are you craving a moment you’ll lead and earn credits for being the pioneer behind the success of a company or a project in a big corporation? You must keep advancing your career and developing your skillset.

Learn from the best in the industry and read many books to supercharge your career. Helpful reads like the Norman Bacal Take Charge book will teach you the essentials of professional development.

Tame Your Fears

Fear is negative energy that, if allowed to reign supreme, can stagnate your progress and make you a shadow of yourself. Letting anxiety and fear control what and how to do things in life makes it impossible for you to achieve your goals. Every time you’re in fear, write your feelings down. Research the best ways to address the kind of fear you experienced and start working on your self-esteem. Always counter negative thoughts and fear with positive thoughts.

Develop a Growth Mindset

Your mind is life, an engine that controls your body. It’s where your body sources commands and directions. If your mind is weak and your thoughts are flawed, your life will follow such a pathway. Yes, you’ll always be weak in making life decisions and choosing the paths to follow.

Your life will flow in the best directions if you have a strong growth mindset. A growth mindset is open to learning new skills and accepting new challenges. A growth mindset cannot be held down by low self-esteem or sink to depression because of negative feedback. With a growth mindset, you can easily discover and make the most of new opportunities.

Be Kind to Yourself

Your best version is built deep inside you. It’s who you are and what you are rather than what you’re perceived as.

You’re unique in every inch, and your life path is unique. Comparing yourself with people of the same age or friends causes you more pain. Instead of looking at what others have achieved and you have not, look at the unique things you have that could make you achieve your goals.

Look deep inside you, and you’ll notice a glaring light that shines strong even when you’re down. That’s who you are and what you should be.


The best version of yourself is within you. It’s only that you have not noticed it and worked towards making it who you are. Use the above tips to unlock the best version of yourself.