Can Roofs Be Installed During The Winter?

It would be great to schedule your roof replacement during a clear spring, summer, or fall day, but that may not always be an option. If circumstances dictate that you have to schedule the project during the winter, you may be asking: can you replace a roof in cold weather? In short, yes.

With that said, there are things you need to take into consideration when planning your roof installation in the winter. Here is what you should know:

Not All Contractors Will Work On A Roof In The Winter

Winter roofing is more dangerous, costly, and challenging than during other seasons. This means that qualified staff willing to do the work may not be readily available, insurance costs will be at a premium, and the weather can impact what can be accomplished. There are Naperville roofing contractors who do not want to take on the risks and costs that go with these projects.

What will this mean for you? This will usually mean higher costs than during other seasons, and the timeframe for the project may not be able to be held to a firm schedule.

Risks can include things like:

  • Slick surfaces.
  • Extreme cold temperatures.
  • Snow and ice buildup impacting the work areas.

Materials Are Impacted By The Cold Temperatures

Cold temperatures will not only impact the crew but the building materials get impacted as well. Shingles are designed to offer great protection through most weather conditions, including cold weather, but that is after they are installed. When asphalt shingles are under 40 degrees (per Owens Corning), contractors will face an increased risk of cracking damage during the installation process. This is because the materials become more brittle, and do not handle being moved around to nailed down as well. If this damage is not spotted at time of installation, it will lead to more severe issues down the road. Another issue with asphalt shingle installation in cold weather is that the adhesives will not bond as well when installed in conditions outside the manufacturer’s specifications.

Metal and wood also face issues with cold weather installation, but are usually better at handling cold weather installations. The lack of adhesives and less brittle nature of these products make them a more tolerant option for winter installation.


In the Chicagoland area, it is no surprise to see a variety of patterns throughout the winter months. These can stretch from as early as late October to as late as April, with the coldest months typically being January, February, and March. When planning a roofing project during this time of the year, the job can see delays caused by things like:

  • Extreme cold temperatures (0 degrees and below).
  • Heavy snowfall.
  • Thunderstorms.
  • High winds.
  • Wide temperature swings (ie -25 degrees on day to 55 degrees the next).
  • Heavy ice on the roads or at the job site.

Why Can Winter Be Good For Installations?

Sometimes you do not have a choice when you schedule your roof replacement. If, for example you had storm damage caused by winter elements, you may need a roof replacement as soon as possible to protect your home. While not typically the ideal time of the year, there are some reasons why it is not bad to schedule work during the winter.

Some roofing contractors find the time to be slower, and their specialists may have more time to work with you on scheduling. This may mean you can get the work done when you want or need. Not all winter days have weather conditions unfavorable to completing the job. There are times when temperatures are on the warmer side, and the conditions are dry. This can make give you a great opportunity to have the work done.

Even if the temps are on the cold side, because your house is heated, your attic and roofing will be warmer than outside. This will give the contractors more opportunities to install the roofing within manufacturer’s specs.

Take Away

It would be great if you could always schedule home maintenance in the most ideal conditions, but life factors do not coincide with perfect planning all the time. If you find yourself with a leak or more severe damage on your roof in Naperville, IL, or the greater Chicago area, do not wait until spring to address it. Get in touch with a roofing company nearby to address your roofing needs. A professional and reliable company will ensure the highest quality installation at any time of the year. Even in winter, they can help protect your home from the elements.