7 Great Ways To Help You Fight Snoring

Snoring is the hoarse sound from the nose or mouth when breathing is partially obstructed while sleeping. Snoring is very common, but still, it is not normal. If you snore while asleep, it’s a sign that you are experiencing some obstruction in your breathing pathways. You can experience snoring due to various reasons like the anatomy of your mouth, alcohol consumption allergies, a cold, and your weight. When you fall asleep, the muscles at the top of your mouth, tongue, and throat relax. However, snoring is a problem that you can reverse. This article talks about the ways to help you control your snoring.

1. Reduce Body Weight

According to medics, weight loss is the first step to avoiding snoring. This recommendation applies to you if you are overweight or don’t have the right BMI. To know your BMI, visit a qualified consultant to help you calculate it. Your weight and height are the properties that determine your BMI.

People who are obese are more likely to snore and suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. If you are obese, try to reduce your weight from a positive perspective. If you contemplate crash diets, you might not experience a long-term transformation. Instead, follow a healthy diet and incorporate physical activity into your routine.

2. Change your sleeping position

The position you sleep in determines whether you snore or not. According to research, people who sleep supine or on their back are more likely to snore. On the other hand, if you sleep in a lateral position or on your side, you will snore less. The head is the part of the body that determines whether you will snore or not. When you sleep with your head turned to the side, it’s more likely that you will snore less.

Remember, to stop snoring, your head must receive air at the optimum condition without strain. If you snore at night and sleep on your back, try sleeping on your side instead. You might fight it challenging to adapt to your new sleeping position. You can use pillows to provide comfort and keep your head and body in a side position. Some beds might be uncomfortable while sleeping on the side. Look for the best adjustable bed to help you sleep in your desired position.

3. Quit Smoking

Smoking affects your breathing system and contributes directly to the likelihood of snoring. People who smoke tend to snore, unlike those who don’t. Moreover, children who have active smoker parents do snore. Quitting smoking can significantly help you avoid snoring.

4. Wear a Nasal Strip or Dilator

Internal and external nasal dilators work to improve your airflow as you sleep. Improved airflow means cutting down on the likelihood of snoring. Nasal dilators are small, flexible strips that use tension to open the air passages. An external nasal dilator sticks to the outside of the nose, and it pulls outwards as it tries to maintain its shape. An internal dilator works with the same principle. However, unlike an external, it pushes outwards to maintain its shape.

5. Try Mouth Exercises

Apart from exercising generally, consider simple mouth exercises to stop snoring. Mouth exercises are clinically referred to as oropharyngeal exercises, and they work effectively to stop snoring.

These mouth exercises generally involve your mouth and tongue. You continuously move your tongue and mouthparts to strengthen your tongue muscles, throat, and soft palate. Professionals have proven these exercises to be effective and have significantly reduced snoring.

6. Practice Good Sleeping Habits

Poor sleep hygiene, also known as bad sleep habits, can significantly affect your breathing comfortability. Poor sleeping habits like working long hours without sleep can be uncomfortable and displeasing. Working long hours without sleep means you are overtired when you take off to bed. Therefore, you sleep hard and deep, and the muscles become floppier, thus creating snoring.

7. Stay Well Hydrated

When dehydrated, secretions in your nose and soft palate become stickier. This, therefore, leads to an obstruction of air from your breathing system. It would be best to drink a lot of water, as the doctor states to stay hydrated. On the other hand, you should avoid consuming alcohol and other substances dehydrating your body.


Finally, you should avoid snoring as much as possible, and if you have a problem, you should take it as an alert for a preexisting condition. Apart from the above-discussed ways, there are other ways you can prevent snoring, like taking a hot shower if nasal passages are blocked, using mouth strips, and avoiding taking sedatives before bed.