6 Tips For Security If You Are Living In Suburban Areas

Rural areas are considered to be the most unsafe places to reside in. Apart from the open breathable non-trafficked environment that it provides, living there is an open threat. It is mostly because of how the houses and people’ properties; like farms and cottages etc, are structured in those areas. Small communities are encouraged and people are really fond of each other so the need for security becomes an alien question to them. Taking into consideration however the changing dynamics of world  house security has become one of the most essential practices and must be normalised. No matter how safe you think you can be in a community, personal security is important at all levels. 

Here are 6 tips that can help you with knowing what is best for the security of your house if you are living in a rural area:

  • Build a metal fence around the house. Make sure that the fence is the height of a human or even larger so that it cannot be easily crossed Or dodged if someone tries to jump from over it.
  • Try to armour yourself up with the plate carrier when you think that any threatening situation is most likely to occur. One should always be prepared and ready to call in their own protection. Getting a license for a gun or keeping an affordable weapon like a knife or pepper spray can also help for self- defense. 
  • One thing that people living in the rural areas have an easier access to is getting a dog. Keeping a security dog can really help the family be alert of any unexpected circumstances. If trained right, the guard dog can really be a weapon of protection and cause serious damages to the opponents. Who can ever question the loyalty of a dog anyway. 
  • Make the family members learn combat sports so they can least to defend themselves from attackers. Especially the women of the family, they must be encouraged to step out and learn more self-defense tactics.
  • Invest in a security camera. Large properties, especially with that in rural areas, need good monitoring. The thought of smart cameras can even wave the burglars off. The advancements in the technologies have made it super easier for you to access the footage of where the camera is placed and its audio and video from just your smartphones. One can keep track of what’s going on in their house from just looking at their phones.
  • Lastly, people living in the rural areas must maintain their property and the security of their property to avoid undesired circumstances. Showcase your house as if there are people living there. Burglars and robbers usually go for houses that are open and welcoming in terms of ‘maybe no one is living there’ to them. Do not give them an opportunity to make their minds, play games with them maybe and be more smart about your security systems.