5 Things You Need to Know About Bullet Proof Vest

Bulletproof vests are the one piece of equipment that police officers take for granted. If more law enforcement officers understood how the vests save lives, they would be less hesitant to use them in the line of duty. Bulletproof vests spread the energy of the round and distort the slug to reduce blunt force harm. Steel plates are used to make hard body armour. It is powerful and effective, but it is also hefty and inconvenient. However, certain projectiles can pierce steel, necessitating the use of even harder materials.

What is a Bullet  Proof vest 

The term “bulletproof vest” refers to a vest that can withstand bullets. This means that certain types and sizes of bullets moving at specific speeds will not be able to pierce the vest. Even if a vest is robust enough to stop a bullet from passing through, the wearer may still be injured. 

Even if the vest prevents a bullet, the vest fabric may still be forced into the individual’s body. This can result in bruising or more serious internal damage. Most of the bulletproof vests luckily, spread the force throughout the panel, reducing the effect to acceptable levels.

The Fabric Stops the Bullet

Body armour is made up of non-woven and/or woven ballistic fibres that are extremely robust. A bullet will be stopped by the material in the same way as a tennis ball or volleyball will be stopped by a net. It causes the bullet to spin, slow down, and send its energy all the way through the panel. The process is aided by the bullet mushrooms. Keep in mind that the slower the bullet, the better the situation for the wearer. Bullets with a strong tip or those are fired at a high velocity will pass right through the fibres and the bullet proof vest.

Every Bullet is Lethal

As previously said, every bullet is lethal; no bullet proof vest will be able to stop every bullet. The impact of the bullet, commonly known as blunt force trauma, can knock you out or, in the worst-case scenario, kill you.

How is a Bullet Proof vest worn 

A bulletproof vest should not be worn below the navel. Many individuals believe that body armour should be worn all the way down to the waist. However, having a vest that hangs this low might limit the user’s mobility and make simple actions like sitting difficult. 

Internal organs, especially the body’s essential organs, are protected by our bulletproof jackets. The vest should not cover the kidneys or intestines because a damage here is unlikely to be deadly. As a result, protection is lost in order to increase wearability.

Bulletproof vests will safe you in traffic accident 

The vest’s fibres can survive more than bullets, and it can save one’s life if they are involved in a traffic collision. In certain situations, an officer’s bullet-proof vest has saved their life in a traffic accident.

Body armour isn’t the same as a high operating suit. A person must take and hold a deep breath while being fitted for their vest. This is the distance between the body and the armour panels that should be maintained. Should a bullet strike, the space will aid in decreasing trauma. It also makes running and fighting easier for cops. Simply explained, when the protective vest moves, its capabilities improve.