5 Incentives To Gain More SMS Subscribers

SMS marketing is an excellent tool for small businesses, as it does not require a high budget. In fact, with today’s technology and the amount of text messaging people do, this method of marketing has never been easier.

SMS marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies because you can provide real-time engagement and boost sales in your business.

Here are five incentives you can offer to gain more SMS subscribers.

1. Free Samples

Free samples are an excellent incentive to offer people who agree to receive text alerts from you. Who wouldn’t want to get some freebies for simply signing up for your text list?

2. Exclusive Offers

To be more successful in a market, you must understand what your customers want and try to deliver it. An effective way to get customers and leads to subscribe to your messages is to promote exclusive offers.

This ensures that your subscribed customers have special access to offers that unsubscribe customers don’t.  Doing this helps ensure repeat business from the same customers.

3. VIP Treat

Treating your customers right is essential, especially if they have purchased from you in the past. One way to do this is by offering them a VIP list of products for signing up for your text list.

This makes your customers feel special and improves customer retention, as they will want to keep returning for more. Indeed, this can also be helpful if you have a fee-based offer for your business, as it allows customers to save money and feel more inclined to pay the fee.

4. Referral Programs

You can build a list of potential customers by including an SMS contact form on your business’ website. Then, you can easily reference these people at any time and send them special offers they may not have received.

For example, you can send a message when a special promotion is about to expire to remind them of the great offer. Like the previous option, with referral programs, businesses need to be more targeted with their marketing and sales campaigns. This will encourage more sales as referred customers often make up more sales from one new customer.

5. Contests

With SMS marketing, there is no limit to how many users you can contact. That is why it’s essential to include several promotions, such as contests and trivia questions, in your business SMS marketing campaign.

These allow users to win valuable prizes or discounts they cannot access elsewhere. This helps businesses to keep their customers happy and will encourage them to continue visiting your store in the future. As a result, customers will likely spend more money with you as they will want to reward themselves for winning.


The success of SMS marketing involves how well you can acquire subscribers. Use the above incentives to make leads and customers more inclined to subscribe to your text list.