5 Best Supplements For Increasing Muscle Mass

Building muscle mass is a goal many men strive to achieve. Unfortunately, not all of them seem to build muscle mass easily, though. By using the right supplements, you can make this goal more achievable. But, the wrong ones could just be a waste of hard-earned money. We’ve put together a list of the best supplements you can use to boost muscle mass synthesis.

1. Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis

Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis supplements might be your best bet. Both of these herbs have a long history of use throughout the world. They’re primarily used to boost testosterone production. That’s the same reason professional athletes consider steroids, though these supplements don’t have the same risks. They’re both all-natural. Plus, there have been several studies supporting their use. It seems they’re able to increase the body’s testosterone production by quite a bit in rodents. Human studies haven’t been done yet.

However, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting their use as well. Using a supplement with both of them could be even more powerful. To get the best results, follow the directions on the label. That should be enough to ensure you get optimal levels in your bloodstream. Testosterone exerts anabolic effects on your body, promoting muscle production.

2. Creatine

Have you ever felt fatigued at the gym? If so, you might want to pick up a bottle of creatine. Creatine monophosphate is created by the body naturally as well. Supplementing it makes sure you’ve got enough to power through your workouts. By taking it as a supplement, you’ll be able to work out for longer.

The longer your muscles are under load, the more they’ll grow afterward. Creatine works by supplying phosphate ions to ADP. Your body’s primary fuel source is ATP. When an ADP ion gets another phosphate, it becomes ATP. Therefore, your muscles have a ready supply of fuel whenever you’re using them.

3. Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Proteins are made of many different amino acids. Some of them are more important than others. BCAAs are among the most important amino acids of all. If you don’t have enough of them, muscle synthesis won’t be efficient.

Essentially, your muscles don’t have the building blocks necessary to create new fibers. Supplementing BCAAs is an easy way to overcome this limitation, though. When you’re trying to build muscle, you’ve got to supply them with plenty of nutrients. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to build additional mass.

4. Protein Powders

Nutritionists recommend people eat about 2 grams of protein per lb of body weight. That’s not always easy for people to get through their diets, unfortunately. However, if you’re using a protein powder, it shouldn’t be too hard.

Protein powders supply a reliable source of high-quality protein. You can blend them into a milkshake, so it’s tasty too. Eat enough of it to ensure you’ve got plenty of protein in your diet. Muscles need it to grow properly.

5. Mass Gainer

Finally, you should consider using some form of mass gainer. These function similarly to protein powders. In fact, most of them also contain a lot of protein. There’s one major difference, though. Mass gainers have a ton of carbohydrates in them as well. That’s to provide sufficient calories for the body to produce more muscle fibers. You’ve got to maintain a calorie surplus to put your body into an anabolic state.

Without enough calories, you’ll actually burn through your muscles. Usually, you’ll lose fat first. However, that’s not your goal. If you’re trying to build muscle, you’ve got to build up your body instead of breaking it down. Muscle gainers contain a ton of calories for their size. So, if you’ve had a tough time eating sufficient calories, they’re a great option.

Using Supplements to Increase Muscle Mass

Building muscles requires you to put your body into an anabolic state. First, you’ve got to exercise them using a tough workout. Then, you’ve got to maintain high levels of circulating testosterone. Finally, you’ve got to supply your body with sufficient calories and protein. As long as you do all that, you’ll build a ton of new muscles. The right supplements make all the difference.