4 Ways To Avoid Having To Get A Root Canal

No one ever wants to hear the dreaded news that he or she needs a root canal. A root canal is an expensive procedure that can cost several thousand dollars by the time it’s done. A dentist will have to numb you and remove your pulp. He or she will have to replace the pulp with a filler material, close the tooth and put a crown over it. All of this may be painful as well as costly. There is a chance that you might need the root canal redone, as well. You might be better off doing things to avoid having to get a root canal. These are four things you can do if you want to prevent yourself from ever having to go through that situation:

Exercise Excellent Dental Hygiene

You should start with your daily dental hygiene practices if you want to avoid getting a root canal. For example, you should brush your teeth at least two times a day. You should brush your teeth for at least two full minutes per session, as well. That will ensure that you remove all the plaque and bacteria from your mouth.

Make sure that you brush your teeth, gums, and tongue during your cleansing process. You should also use dental floss in between all of your teeth and rinse your mouth out with water after meals and snacks. It’s the only way to go if you want to prevent root canal situations. Keeping as much bacteria as possible off of your teeth is the best way to fight the intruders who will come to ruin them. Also, you may want to cut down your intake of sugary foods. Chocolates, cakes, and other sugars are your teeth’s worst enemies. They’re constantly trying to eat away at your teeth and cause the decay that leads to root canal therapy.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Secondly, you must get into the practice of seeing your dentist on a regular basis if you want to avoid having to get a root canal. The recommended number of times you should see your dentist each year is two. You may want to bump that up a notch and visit your dentist once every quarter. During your visit, your dentist will clean your teeth and do a thorough examination of your teeth. He’ll be able to spot a problem early and before it gets a chance to ruin your teeth. If you skip your visits, you may miss out on early detection.

Make Sure You Get the right Vitamins and Minerals

Your diet plays a huge role in your dental health as well. Your teeth will not be strong if you don’t get the vitamins and minerals you need to make them that way. Examples of vitamins that are good for your teeth are calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, and phosphorus. You can get the nutrition you need to start eating a better variety of foods every day. Alternatively, you can get what you need by purchasing supplements. You can find out more about the supplements you need by speaking to a nutritionist about them. You can also ask your dentist to recommend a diet to you.

Have Your Tooth Extracted

Extraction is another option for you if you have a severely decayed tooth, and the dentist suggests getting a root canal. You can visit an emergency dentistry Westville OH office and ask them to remove the tooth that’s giving you the problem. You may prefer to spend less money and have them extract your tooth if the tooth isn’t in an area that would cause cosmetic displeasure. Emergency dentists often provide services for much less than regular dentists do. It would be worth a try to stop by a provider’s office and ask about the costs for dental extractions.

Take Care of Yourself and Your Teeth

You should never have to hear that you need to get a root canal if you follow the tips we’ve mentioned above. Remember to think about your dental hygiene at all times. You can always take extra steps to take care of your teeth. Drink more water and use it to rinse out your teeth after snacks or meals. It could be one of the smartest things you’ve ever done.