3 Natural Remedies To Improve The Quality Of Your Life


If you struggle with any chronic condition that you struggle to control with modern medicine, a return to natural products can help. Be aware that many herbs available to treat particular health conditions are quite concentrated. If you struggle with arthritis pain, for example, make sure you start small and simple. Track your physical response and monitor how your body reacts to the product before upping your dosage or adding another supplement.

Chronic Pain

Any natural remedy you take will take time to have an impact. Additionally, if you personally have a positive or an adverse reaction to any product, it may take a couple of days to show up. Be patient, but make sure you track your dosage and your reaction.

Many people have good results with using ginger supplements. The lowest common dose of ginger for inflammatory pain is 500 mg. Consider taking your ginger in small doses with food, particularly foods with a high fat intake so the ginger breaks down fully.

Never take any supplement without discussing it with your physician to avoid the risk or negative interaction. For example, ginger may be safe for someone who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, but someone taking a blood thinner should not use this supplement. Find out before you experiment on yourself and put your health at risk.

Inflammatory Skin Conditions

A simple addition to your routine to reduce skin inflammation is tea tree oil. This natural antibiotic is a great addition to any gentle soap that you’re currently using. Tea tree oil can also be added to a spray bottle of mild, non-detergent soap to help create a clean zone for inflamed skin to heal naturally.

When shopping for essential oils, take care to purchase the purest products you can find. While many who use essential oils do so for the scent, it’s important to avoid any artificial fragrances in a product you’re going to put on your skin.

Once you’ve cleaned irritated skin with a mild soap blended with a few drops of tea tree oil, rinse the area with cool water, pat it dry to avoid irritating it further, and coat it with a thick, unscented moisturizer.

Chronic Anxiety

Recent world events have made many folks anxious, but anxiety is more than just being nervous. Those who suffer from anxiety may find that they can’t focus away from troubling thoughts. They may not be able to move forward from traumatic events. Over time, untreated anxiety can lead to depression, which can prove fatal if not addressed.

Many find that cannabidiol, or CBD, is a great help to manage anxiety. This product can be taken into the body in several ways and the impact of these dosages may be different. For example, if anxiety is keeping you awake at night, a 25 mg dose under the tongue can help you shut down the running thoughts and allow you to fall drop into sleep. Gummies before bed will kick in after digestion, so if waking from a sound sleep is a problem, consider this option.

One of the challenges with prescribed anti-anxiety medications is what’s called rebound anxiety. Some medications, such as benzodiazepines, can be habit-forming. Once you build up a tolerance, you’ll need more medication to get the best effect. Weaning yourself off the drug can cause worse anxiety than you originally suffered.

Sufferers may wonder can CBD cause anxiety rebound symptoms like other anti-anxiety medications? No, because your nervous system doesn’t put CBD to work like it does prescription medications. However, you never want to use CBD in parallel with other anti-anxiety meds. Again, discuss any new dosage of any new product with your physician.

Wellness is very different from illness. If you’re self-medicating any product in an effort to feel well, let your physician know to avoid any interactions and keep a journal. Not everything will work for every sufferer in the same way. It may take some time for you to find a product and a dosage that works best for you.